Our Mission: To build a home for all barbershop voices committed to bringing everyone together in harmony through high-level educational, rehearsal, and performance experiences.
Our Vision: To cultivate a premier barbershop community that leads with love and where all voices feel at home supporting each other and their communities.
Our Guiding Principles: In all that we do, we commit to . . .
Lead compassionately | Share joy | Build community | Foster growth | Strive for excellence | Cultivate belonging

Julian LeFlore is a barbershopper known for bringing people together with tags, frivolity, and kindness! He’s the lead of the 2023 4th Place Next Generation Barbershop Quartet Contest Medalists – The QuinTones. They have traveled across the Mid Atlantic area as section leaders for Harmony Camps, and are the first Junior Quartet Champions of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
Julian is pursuing a career in Speech Pathology at Towson University in Baltimore, MD, and is very active in the youth barbershop scene. He has served as a clinician for numerous Barbershop Harmony Camps. Julian focuses on sharing barbershop with young BIPOC singers from all over the world, and educating leaders in inclusive practices in choral settings.